
Helping Financial Institutions Acquire Lifelong Customers

Rewards management that leads to higher utilization of products and better financial habits.

Turn College Into a Reliable Acquisition Channel

Ostrich’s reward manager creates that unicorn young customer – the college graduate with their whole financial life at your institution, who actually uses your products!

Ostrich College student rewards timeline overview

Be The Exclusive Partner On Your Target Campuses

Each college and university has a single financial services partner for redeeming rewards.

Ostrich Campus enagagement framework for banks and credit unions nest egg

Power Your Cross-Selling With Targeted Incentives For Higher ROI

Market the right offer at the right time with the right messaging so students graduate with a full suite of products.

college student getting an On campus job and earning money into a savings account through the Ostrich App website cover

Maximize What You Already Have

Use your existing products and deepen existing relationships with colleges and universities.

Turnkey – no new tech, no integrations, just engaged customers.

How Ostrich Works

Ostrich College Nest Egg Platform Overview

41% of College Students Ostrich Works With Open a new financial account

Partner Universities

Start Acquiring Lifelong Customers

Learn how Ostrich can help you turn college students into lifelong customers. 

Schedule a Call.

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