
Maximizing College Savings with High Yield Savings Accounts

College High Yield Savings Accounts Ostrich App AOII Big Check

For college students, High Yield Savings Accounts are a game-changer for making the most of your college savings. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of High Yield Savings Accounts tailored to college students and explain why it’s crucial to maximize college savings through these accounts. We’ll also provide details and links for […]

Should You Automate Your Personal Finances?

automate your personal finances ostrich app article cover

Let’s dive into a question that is becoming more relevant with the rise of various software tools and financial experts: “should you automate your personal finances?” Automation in personal finance is the gold standard, and rightly so. Make one good decision to eliminate 100 opportunities to make a bad decision. Set it and forget it. […]

Giving 101 Guide

Title image for Giving 101 guide showing coins in a jar and a heart

Introduction So you’ve been through every other part of personal finance, and you’re so confident in where your money is going that you’re ready to start giving some of it away – welcome to our Giving 101 Guide! In general, the data shows that more than 80% of Americans donate to charity in a given […]

Psychology vs. Personal Finance: Why Don’t We Achieve Our Financial Goals?

Man putting money into a wall on which a human head is silhouetted by light

Everyone has financial goals, whether they know it or not. We all want to do something that we can’t currently. Generally, the pathway to doing that something involves money – thus a financial goal is born. In spite of this, only 63% of Americans perceive themselves as having a financial goal, and the majority of […]

What is a 403(b)? A Step-by-Step Guide for 2021

what is a 403(b) the ultimate guide 403b vs 401k

The focus of this article is what is a 403(b) plan (also known as a TSA or tax-sheltered annuity plan). Most people are familiar with a 401(k) account, which is an employer sponsored retirement plan, and a 403(b) isn’t too different. Nevertheless, we’re going to walk you through some of the key things to be […]

Investing 101 Part 2: Short-Term Investing Guide

Ostrich's Short-term investing guide

Short-Term Investing “Short-Term Investing” – what does that even mean? We’re going to talk about the kind of investing that’s done with money intended for use in the next 5-15 years for specific goals. Let’s say you’re intending to buy a house in around ten years – it’s going to make sense to invest that […]

Investing 101 Part 1: Retirement Investing Guide

Retirement Investing 101 Guide with Ostrich | Part 1 Inveting Guide

Retirement Investing Investing can be incredibly simple, or incredibly complex – we’re going to make it simple for you here, and provide access to additional resources for you to make it as complex as you would like! So let’s dive into retirement investing 101! But before we do… The Basics There are two buckets of […]

Saving & Budgeting 101 Guide

Saving & Budgeting 101 Guide Ostrich

Saving & Budgeting 101 Guide Welcome to the most important 101 class around, Saving and Budgeting 101! How you use the tools set out below will determine most of your major achievements and decisions in life. Because the world we live in is so intrinsically linked to our finances, most decisions made ultimately come down […]

Debt 101 Guide

Debt 101 Guide Ostrich

Debt 101 Guide In Ostrich’s Debt 101 Guide you’ll learn how to tackle your bad debt and use good debt towards your financial goals. Debt is a very important tool when it comes to achieving goals we may otherwise struggle to attain, such as buying a house or paying for college. However, it’s important to […]

Ultimate Financial Goal Setting Guide

Financial Goal Setting Ostrich App | Goal Setting Guide

Guide to Financial Goal Setting With a full picture of your financial situation, you are ready to think about where you want to go from here. Again, we can frame this in the context of short, medium and long-term. Setting Short-term financial goals   Short-term goals may be along the lines of the following: Setting […]

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